Lab and Consumer Protection Bureau Celebrates Weights and Measures Week

The State Weights and Measures Program is committed to ensuring Michiganders get what they pay for, keeping more money in consumers' wallets.

LANSING, MICH - Every day, as commerce moves forward and consumers shop, a lesser-known program located within the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) ensures that weights and measures devices used by retailers are working properly . The Weights and Measures program within MDARD's Consumer Protection Laboratory and Office works diligently to ensure a fair playing field within Michigan's economy.

โ€œAll Michiganders deserve to know they are getting fair value for their goods and products,โ€ MDARD said. Director Tim Bored. "At MDARD, our team works incredibly hard to ensure accuracy in the marketplace. While much of this work happens daily behind the scenes, our staff is present throughout the state. Their efforts keep your hard-earned dollars in your pockets. of Michigan consumers.

Weights and Measures Week is celebrated nationally each year from March 1-7 to commemorate President John Adams signing the first American legislation on weights and measures into law on March 2, 1799.

MDARD Weights and Measures Program is responsible for everything sold by weight, count or measurement. Inspectors check everything from the accuracy of gas pumps and supermarket scales to the contents of packages consumers buy.

Inspectors across the country, including here in Michigan, have been checking and testing scales and gauges and the net contents of packaged products for many, many years. Making sure they meet standards ensures that Michiganders get what they pay for, regardless of what they are purchasing. It may seem routine, but it's a constant challenge to keep up with new technologies and marketing practices.

"With spring just around the corner, MDARD is also looking for items of particular interest to consumers this time of year, such as bags of mulch and soil," he said Craig VanBuren, director of MDARD's Office of Consumer Protection and Laboratory. โ€œAnd, of course, let's not forget the gallon of gas you buy for your lawnmower. Or the items you scan in the store. โ€œOur inspectors work daily to ensure Michiganders always get what they pay for.โ€

Consumers with concerns about any advertisement, purchase, service or transaction based on weight, measurement or counting may call 800-632-3835 to register a complaint.


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