Mango Markets exploiter behind alleged $116M theft will stand trial in December

The criminal case against the cryptocurrency user allegedly behind a multimillion-dollar exploit by decentralized exchange Mango Markets will move forward in the United States, with a trial scheduled for December 4.

According to court records filed June 14, Judge Richard Berman of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York set Avraham Eisenberg's trial date for December 4. the theft of approximately $116 million in the MNGO government token, USD Coin (USDC), and SOL marinated with stakes (mSOL).

Eisenberg has pleaded not guilty to 3 criminal charges for commodity fraud, commodity tampering and wire fraud related to the exploitation of Mango Markets. The platform reported in October 2022 that it had returned approximately $67 million of the funds, with the cryptocurrency user claiming at that time that his actions had been legal as part of a "highly profitable business strategy".

Related: Mango Markets sues Avraham Eisenberg for $47 million in damages plus interest

Attorneys for the US Attorney's Office and Eisenberg's defense team have until June 22 to file pretrial motions regarding the schedule. he also faces separate civil lawsuits filed in January by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission and Mango Markets.

The alleged Mango Markets exploiter has not posted on his Twitter account since authorities arrested him in Puerto Rico in December 2022 and transferred him to Oklahoma. He has been largely in US custody after a hearing in February in which waived his right on bail

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