Market-Neutral Fund Mitigates Investor Concerns Amid White-Knuckled Crypto Volatility

Crypto company accepting new retail clients for its growing operation, producing excellent returns despite the recent decline in cryptocurrencies

NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, March 5, 2022 / -- โ€œThe empirical analysis of the more than 300,000 operations carried out by our platform during the last 12 months shows an average Sharpe index of 2.768, a beta of 0.113. Along with an alpha build of 18.119% above a long bitcoin position. We believe this represents a fantastic collaborative achievement by our research and developer teams at Horse Capital. We are proud to begin scaling our operations and serving a broader range of retail customers." Cavallo Capital COO James Mclean said in a recent statement.

Traditionally, cryptocurrencies have been a difficult asset class to invest in. Wild volatility and drawdowns of over 30% regularly. The ultimate digital asset investment firm that enables retail investors to access world-class high-frequency and quantitative trading systems with no prior knowledge or understanding of cryptocurrencies. Cavallo Capital seeks to deliver tremendous value to clients by implementing its market-neutral strategies. Quantitative trading strategies limit broad market exposure while generating higher-than-expected returns from traditional markets.

โ€œCompared to traditional markets, cryptocurrency markets are nascent and inefficient. These inefficiencies provide multiple opportunities for alpha generation without excessive beta exposure. We are predicting that these inefficiencies will remain exploitable by our systems for the foreseeable future." James Mclean, chief operating officer of Cavallo Capital.

About Cavallo Capital

Cavallo Capital is a managed investment firm focused solely on digital assets. The company uses quantitative machine learning algorithms, which operate on a distributed computing network. The network is made up of over 600 vCPUs, analyzing incredibly large data sets made up of over 1,000 individual sources. The firm has been developing and fine-tuning trading algorithms for 3 years, after starting operations with initial funds raised from friends and family. The firm recently began accepting applications from the general investing public in January 2022.

jessica mclean
Horse Capital
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