Matt Doran issues a grovelling on-air apology to Adele


"If I'm honest with you, most of this aggression I deserve and fully acknowledge," he said. โ€œI flew to London to interview Adele, an indescribable privilege and what was to be one of the highlights of my career.

"I made the terrible mistake of assuming they weren't going to preview a copy of this album, because our interview was on the air prior to its release and Adele's album was the most precious secret in the industry."

the 37-year-old journalist said the email containing a link to the album was "the most important email I've ever missed in my life."

"The next day after landing in London, an email came from Sony. It didn't mention Adele, but it did contain a link to her album," he said.

"The genuine, dead, hand on heart truth is that I missed it. By an absurdly long margin, the most important email I've ever missed."

Matt went on to deny claims that a fed-up Adele came out of her interview and revealed that they had actually run over time.

"At least half of the interview focused directly on the new music," he said.

"Throughout the 29 minutes, Adele was deep, she was a lot of fun, she was raw and then she was honest. Honest enough to describe her depression as 'doomsday stuff.'

LOOK: Matt Doran does not realize that he is on live television

He then directly apologized to the singer, saying, "To Adele, I tell her, I would never have knowingly disrespected you for deliberately not listening to your work. I am so sorry.

"I also apologize to Adele's Australian fans, and to you, our viewers, who due to my mistake have been denied this interview and understanding of her character."

Following the disastrous meeting, which cost Channel Seven a million dollars, Sony prevented the network from using the images from the interview.

Channel Seven was then forced to hastily put together images of artists covering Adele for the Just one night special.



Matt's heartfelt apology on the air comes after he told him The Daily Telegraph that the scandal caused the media around the world to contact him.

"I have received inquiries from Good morning Great Britain, CNN, Dubai and Japan, "he said on Friday.

He also denied reports that he was poorly prepared and told the publication that he had spent hours preparing for the interview.

"I spent the next five hours at my desk preparing for the interview. And we got to the interview three hours early the next day," he said.

This article first appeared on our sister site, Women's Day.

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