Netflix knows when you share your password, and it’s testing a way to charge you for it


Thirsty for money, a shame and a really stupid decision.


qasar80, 30 minutes agoNetflix, Amazon, Disney, HBO, etc...what a load of crap. They all want your money and offer you... plusYou are literally demanding a monopoly. Competition and choice are always good. Get only what you want. If there's something in particular you're interested in on another platform, get their shorter plan.


  • yobro1
  • gLN

KondriX, 18 minutes agoWeird logic, but if everyone is going to torrent, who is going to pay for the content? But... plus"Weird logic, but if everyone is going to torrent, who is going to pay for the content?"
True, but downloading torrents is illegal, you can be fined or jailed.
ISPs can be taken to court if they are not actively banning websites that stream or download non-torrent content. and they can speed up your internet speed if you use torrents pvp.


qasar80, 30 minutes agoNetflix, Amazon, Disney, HBO, etc... what a load of crap. They all want your money and offer you... plusWeird logic, but if everyone is going to torrent, who is going to pay for the content? If no one is going to pay, there won't be any content for you to look at in the first place.


  • Anonymous
  • twq



Anonymous, 1 hour agoAfter a certain point of losses, Netflix will go extinct and so will numerous shows and movies.The rights will be sold to others to pay off the debt so the shows are okay. Plus, the movie industry is overpaid anyway.


Netflix, Amazon, Disney, HBO, etc... what a load of crap. They all want your money and offer very little worthy content. Don't tell anyone, but the torrent era is back. Each of those platforms has content that is exclusive and that is bad. Instead of a single platform where you can buy a subscription and see all the content, noooo, everyone wants you to subscribe to them. Well, there are more torrent sites than content platforms, that's all I have to say and you just have to pay for your internet provider.


Andrew, 47 minutes agoNetflix sees you when you're sleeping Netflix knows when you're awake Netflix knows... plusReplace the words with ISP and it's exactly the same


I wonder how they will taste especially for those who have multiple devices. In my case I have three phones, a tablet and two laptops, they all have my Netflix account. LOL


So what, we can take it or leave it... We still have a choice ourselves.


Netflix watches you when you're sleeping
Netflix knows when you're awake
Netflix knows if you've been bad or good
Be good for the best sake!


Anonymous, 2 hours agoOh no, so how can I share the latest lgbtq+++ propaganda with all my fellow npcs?Or his beloved child exploitation, that is, "Cuties"


  • Anonymous
  • Regiment

Netflix content is so bad here in Europe that I didn't even dare to share my password with anyone. In fact, I don't even share it with myself because I unsubscribed a long time ago. I literally watched everything on Netflix. There aren't even classic movies like the Alien franchise or Die Hard. like, wtf?


sounds stupid


How do you decide if you're sharing your account...purely on profiles or based on access to multiple locations?

Netflix is ​​meant to be mobile and if I go back to my home country to visit, I'll log into my account on the TV of the family I'm staying with... Now they'll think that because of the IP address in a different country, I'm sharing my account?

There seems to be a big gray area here where innocent people can get hit.


These are the dumbest things Netflix has ever featured. Do I get charged more for sharing passwords?


Tigolebitties, 3 hours agoTime to move to Hulu, HBO Max and Disney+ 🏃 Shiny. Going from a paid streaming service with incomplete and censored content to... more paid streaming services to compensate for their incomplete and sparse content?


It's a strange decision to basically punish users with paid accounts instead of trying to curb piracy. This backlash will further ruin your brand.


Anonymous, 1 hour agoAfter a certain point of losses, Netflix will go extinct and so will numerous shows and movies.I think torrent will keep those numerous shows and movies alive! 😉


MiSmartFridge, 3 hours agoTime to hack netflix showsAfter a certain point of losses, Netflix will go extinct and so will numerous shows and movies.

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