New Web3 ID app lets users find each other based on proven interests

A Web3 app launched on June 27 allows users to prove their social credibility using blockchain technology, according to an announcement from the app's development team. Called "Quivr," it allows users to connect apps they use regularly, such as Spotify, Steam, Apple Music, and others. Based on your behavior on these apps, Quivr generates blockchain badges that prove your interests or membership within communities, which can then be used as a way to identify users who have common interests.

Quivr has launched on Apple's App Store, with a web and Android version scheduled to launch in about two weeks, the developers told Cointelegraph. Over 10,000 users created accounts during the app's beta period.

Quivr app badges. Source: Quivr

Per the announcement, Quivr has formed an initial set of partnerships with celebrities and organizations to help build communities through the app, including Ross Butler, Jack Dylan Grazer, Ohio State, Arizona State, Kansas State, and Fenix โ€‹โ€‹Games.

In a conversation with Cointelegraph, Quivr co-founder and CEO Ray Lee claimed that the current version of Quivr can connect to 11 different apps: Spotify, LinkedIn, Steam, Twitter, Apple Music, Apple Health, Instagram, TikTok, Audius and Canvas.

User behavior in these apps determines the badges they can earn, allowing them to prove their credentials through their actions. For example, if a user listens to jazz music on Spotify, the person may receive a "jazz fan" badge, or if the user plays fighting games on Steam, the person may receive a "fighting gamer" badge.

If users want to register a credential that cannot be tested through one of these apps, they can upload a video or image and have it reviewed by community validators as an alternate form of proof.

Users can browse each other's profiles and send each other private messages using Quivr, allowing them to find and chat with others who have proven to share their interests. In the current version, only private messages are available. But the team is experimenting with ideas for creating "communities and subgroups around conversations" like a "validated Discord" in the future, Lee said.

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Quivr runs on the Polygon network. However, it does not require users to download a separate wallet or copy and store keywords. Instead, it uses the Magic SDK for logins, a type of new wallet technology that does not require seed words.

Web3 application developers continue to compete for a piece of the lucrative social media and influencer market. Polkadot based chat app Subsocial Implemented support for Ethereum virtual machine on June 8 and the Polygon-based Lens network created a new "layer 3" scaling fix for faster posts on April 26.

Although none of these applications have yet challenged the world's Facebook and Twitter, some Web3 experts believe that social applications will be the killer use case that brings blockchain technology to the masses.