NFT artist raises $140K for cancer support charity

TO non-fungible token (NFT) The artist raised almost $140,000 (£114,000) at an art event in Edinburgh, Scotland, to support cancer treatment.

Maggie's Edinburgh, a charity dedicated to free cancer treatment, received £114,000 from Trevor Jones, a Popular crypto artist from Scotlandwho raised funds at a charity exhibition and auction at an annual Web3 Party at the Castle near Paris.

According to Maggie's Edinburgh Fundraising, the funds raised by Jones amounted to the highest single donation from an arts event recorded in the Edinburgh Centre's 27-year history. A spokesperson representing Maggie's Edinburgh attributed the success to the "support and enthusiasm of the NFT art community."

Cancer patient (right) can live a normal life thanks to philanthropic initiatives. Source:

The total money raised in the fundraiser will go towards helping 4,000 people affected by cancer and local residents who need vital support. The exhibition held at the Château de Vallery, near Paris, featured the participation of 30 artists. Speaking about the event, Jones stated:

“The funds raised (from NFT artists) will make a big difference and will go towards support services for those affected by a cancer diagnosis – the patients and their families. “This is undoubtedly a wonderful way to remember such a beloved artist, who also suffers from this disease.”

Since NFTs gained widespread attention in 2021, the sub-ecosystem has helped the community contribute to various philanthropic initiatives.

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From supporting mental health and protecting war victims to helping the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) initiatives, NFT and cryptocurrency investors have contributed to helping global society.

Additionally, the United States Federal Election Commission approved the use NFT as an incentive for campaign fundraising last year. Big brands, like Coca Cola and the Singapore Red Crossand government bodies They have previously turned to NFT and cryptocurrency donations to fuel various philanthropic initiatives.

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