
NFTY Portal: The New Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange Revolutionizing Crypto

(Photo: Suliman Mulhem)

The cryptocurrency industry sees great interest and investments flowing from all directions. The cryptocurrency achieved unprecedented growth in 2021; Many new projects emerged and hundreds of new tokens were created. The proliferation of tokens adds a new challenge to the current challenges faced by merchants today.

There are two categories of digital asset exchanges; centralized exchange (CEX) and decentralized exchange. CEXs are popular, but they have unique challenges that limit the way that traders and investors can explore the digital financial market. Various attempts to address these challenges yielded little success, but a new DEX is here to change the narrative; NFTY Portal.

What is the NFTY portal?

NFTY Portal is a new DEX created to combine security, efficiency and effectiveness to create an ecosystem where creators and consumers of digital assets can interact and trade. NFTY Portal, built on top of the NFTY blockchain, brings storage, exchange, and trading to the digital asset market. The platform is open to everyone who wants to explore the power of decentralization.

NFTY Portal is the first blockchain-powered platform to offer the world a place to trade any digital asset without the limitations of traditional CEX and DEX. Creators and consumers alike find the NFTY Portal to be a beautiful, functional, and exciting platform with no delays or high transaction costs.

What challenges is the NFTY portal addressing?

Cryptocurrency traders and investors face various challenges that affect their trading experience. These challenges cause traders to abandon some investments or fall behind on some projects. The most important are:

Security compromise

Merchants risk security breaches through bitcore code. Traders can lose their funds to malicious attackers. This problem invades DeFi and CeFi.

Slow and congested networks

Older blockchains are often slow and congested. Traders get frustrated when they need to quickly deposit or withdraw funds. Cross-chain transactions are complex and sometimes impossible.

High access, transaction and minting fees

The cost of sending coins through blockchains increases the difficulty of trading. NFT creators also pay high fees to create their art on some platforms. Traders also pay exchanges to store and access their data to trade.

Multiple platforms

Traders do not have access to most digital assets on a single platform. Many assets listed on DEX are not available to traders on CEX. Traders move from one platform to another to trade assets. The result? Valuable time is wasted and traders quickly become irritated.

How is the NFTY portal solving these problems?

Arron Brown, COO of NFTY Portal, says that blockchain implements various solutions, "Smart Chain, Demi-node, Flash Sync and Mobile Chain", to solve these problems intelligently. Brown says that these functions will collect important data from the network to facilitate transactions in the best way.

NFTY Smart Chain collects network data and processes information to facilitate network decisions by semi-nodes. Merchant data is protected from breaches because it is not shared with third parties. NFTY Flash Sync enables wallet integration on the NFTY portal network. Flash Sync maintains constant communication with the network and eliminates sync latency.

Key features of the NFTY portal

NFTY portal dynamic string: Dynamic Chain deploys network blocks that expand, increase, or decrease to facilitate transactions. Dynamic Chain implements the latest blockchain technology to avoid slow transactions and network congestion. The parachutes run simultaneously without interfering with the main chain.

Blockchain integration: NFTY Portal integrates other blockchains through token wrapping. Merchants can wrap tokens from different blockchains on the NFTY portal and trade with them. NTFY Portal charges low packaging fees. The NFTY portal eliminates the need for merchants and NFT creators to trade assets on different blockchains before sending them to other wallets or exchanges.

Direct view of social networks: NFT creators can directly export their art and links to social media platforms from their dashboards. This feature gives them full control over their data.

Desktop and mobile wallets: Traders have access to their assets anywhere. The desktop wallet integrates with supported blockchains and links to the NFTY portal. The mobile wallet offers seamless transactions on the go.

NFTY Portal offers operators an all-in-one ecosystem that will not be without any commercial tools.

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