
Nigeria and UK foundation launch Code Clubs for digital literacy

The Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Ministry of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, has partnered with a UK-based computing education charity, the Raspberry Pi Foundation, to launch Code Clubs across Nigeria.

The initiative is Elaborated for students ages 7 to 17, and Code Clubs represent a series of extracurricular activities artificial intelligence (AI) coding clubs aimed at nurturing innovative and digitally literate young minds in Nigeria.

Announcing the program in a statement issued on Wednesday, November 8, the ministry said the Code Clubs will introduce participants to the world of coding and digital technology and encourage them to implement creative problem solving in their daily lives. These clubs, which will initially start with 17 knowledge sharing centres, will expand to other locations across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria.

Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, emphasizes the importance of fostering a flow of knowledge in Nigeria through free coding clubs in collaboration with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The initiative aims to accelerate Nigeria's digital economy by improving technical knowledge and talent development.

Within the collaboration, the Raspberry Pi Foundation will offer participating educators and youth extensive sets of tools, support, and directives. At the same time, the ministry will oversee the creation and operation of Code Clubs across the country through a partnership framework.

Partners, including individuals, educational entities, and enthusiast organizations dedicated to promoting computing education, will be assisted with resources, support, and operational guidance from a dedicated hub organization.

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The ministry said the educational pathways offered to Code Club members will cover a wide range of topics related to coding and technology, covering robotics and electronics, game development, algorithms and problem solving, introduction to coding, concepts basics, web development, programming languages, and Project Based Learning.

In October, the Nigerian government unveiled a program Provide grants of 5 million naira ($6,444) to 45 AI-focused startups. and researchers. This initiative is a component of the recently launched Nigerian Artificial Intelligence Research Plan, which aims to promote the extensive application of AI for economic progress.

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