North Guangxi and East Guangxi welcome strong convective weather and Guangxi urgently deploys heavy rainfall defense work โ€“ Breaking Latest News

On May 9, the reporter learned from the video conference on heavy rain defense work held by the Autonomous Region Department of Water Resources that Guangxi urgently implemented heavy rain defense work, focusing on the safety of projects of water during flood seasons, flood control programming, and mountain torrent disaster prevention, to protect the safety of public life.

According to the forecast, from May 10 to 13 there will be continuous heavy rain in north and east Guangxi. The accumulated precipitation in the process will locally reach more than 200 millimeters, and the maximum precipitation per hour will reach 40-60 millimeters. From the day of the 10th to the 11th is the period of greatest precipitation in this process. Some areas in Guilin, Liuzhou, Hechi, Baise, Hezhou, Laibin, Guigang, Nanning, Yulin and other cities experienced heavy rain to heavy rain, local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain. Affected by it, most of the rivers in Guangxi will experience large-scale flooding process, and some rivers may experience super warning flooding.

This process reportedly has a long impact time, a wide range, and a large amount of accumulated local rainfall. Some areas in Guilin, Liuzhou, Hechi, Yulin and other cities are at high risk of disasters caused by heavy rain. According to the data analysis and statistics of the mountain torrent disaster early warning and forecasting system, the area affected by heavy rain will involve 92 counties (districts, cities), 957 towns, 3,456 reservoirs, and 13,456 flood risk areas. mountain streams.

As the Guangxi flood control work enters the most critical period, the Autonomous Region Water Resources Department will timely start a flood defense emergency response according to the situation of river flood control and the mountain torrent disaster prevention, and send a task force to the front. of heavy rain defense according to the situation to inspect and guide flood control and disaster relief work. The department requires water conservancy departments at all levels to monitor the local flood situation, timely initiate emergency response at the corresponding level, put people at the center, and make every effort to deploy and implement various tasks. of defense: make every effort to prevent mountain torrent disasters and small and medium-sized river floods, and timely release river floods and mountain torrent disaster forecasting and early warning, provide support for timely organization of transfer and avoidance personnel, and implement preventive measures in advance for personnel in areas with security risks; continue to do a good job in reservoir safety and flood control dispatch, strengthen the implementation of service service and inspection of reservoir hydropower stations, strictly monitor the flood water level, carefully carry out investigation of hidden dangers; strictly implement the 24-hour flood control duty and leadership shift system, timely statistics, verification and reporting of disaster situations. (Reporter Zhou Ying, correspondent Luo Yuanzhu)

(Charging editors: Pang Guanhua, Chen Lulu)

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