Notable Jews petition against education bill in California

Members of the Jewish Committee in California have supported a controversial bill that requires ethnic studies for high school graduation, even though it will allow for the original ethnic studies curriculum model (ESMC) in California classrooms.
Approximately 70 rabbis, more than 1,000 California residents, and 75 religious and civil rights organizations filed a petition against the FROM 101 bill, which they think is very anti-Semitic.

Petitioners noted that growing anti-Zionist-motivated anti-Semitism further raises the stakes, as California school districts are committed to adopting the original draft that many consider anti-Semitic.

They also noted that the state's two largest teacher unions and several university departments that deal with teacher training have endorsed Bds in the past, which is cause for concern.

We were โ€œdeeply disappointed that not only did all members of the Jewish Legislative Caucus Assembly vote in favor of AB 101, but Caucus Chairman Jesse Gabriel even delivered a speech on the Assembly floor that spoke about the draft bill. law in glowing terms and disparaged concerns about anti-Semitism shared by a non-Jewish member of the Assembly, โ€the petitioners wrote.

โ€œAnyone who understands the threats currently facing the Jewish community can understand why AB 101, well-intentioned as it may be, will unleash a torrent of anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist sentiment, hostility and aggression in classrooms across the state. if it becomes law. The vast majority of California Jews understand it. While the California Senate is ready to vote on AB 101, please stand up and oppose this bill. There is still time to do the right thing, โ€the petitioners urged.

The curriculum was written by The Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Institute (LESMCI), which is a for-profit organization. He referred to Israel as an apartheid state and claimed that it violates international law. They called the BDS movement a "global social movement that currently aims to establish freedom for Palestinians."

Furthermore, the word anti-Semitism is not mentioned once in his 19-page curriculum glossary. However, it defines terms such as homophobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, anti-blackness, anti-indigeneity, and transphobia.

Ben Baruch contributed to this report.

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