Opinion: Cryptocurrency reality shows are awful

Somewhere, maybe in a completely alternate universe, there's a crypto-based reality show that doesn't make you want to scratch your eyes and gag as soon as you turn it on.

Unfortunately, so far all we have is two. shark tank Bargain bin scams are not airborne and should be avoided.

Lucky for you, Protos is here to talk about The next crypto gem and Killer whales so you don't have to bother looking at them.

The Next Crypto Gem (Very Well Hidden)

The next crypto gemcreated by him equipment behind successes like Beauty and the Boss (?) and reality of love (??), promoted itself as a crypto version of shark tank Satisfies The newbie and had three controversial judges: Layah Heilpern, George Tung and Brian Evans. The trio has made money primarily by trading cryptocurrencies and being social media influencers.

The basic concept is that a group of projects compete for a cash prize in US dollars, something they all desperately need.

According According to a CoinDesk article, the program was supposed to be available to Amazon Prime users, but it does not appear on the platform. However, you can find it on George Tung's personal YouTube channel (aka 'CryptosRUs'), where the editing team accidentally went on a break to watch commercials that literally just say "Break." Clearly, production value is high on the agenda of Crypto Gem.

When asked what he hoped the show would bring to its audience, director Justin Bellow said, "People can finally educate themselves on what cryptocurrency is," adding, "I think once enough people learn about the industry, they will be a bit more "I'm inclined to want to get into it...because most of the news you hear about cryptocurrencies is negative."

Spoiler alert: does not achieve any of this.

Instead, The next crypto gem It's a shameful expose of a handful of bad cryptocurrency projects judged by three people who know nothing about starting a business from scratch.

The judges spend their time arguing, but any difference between these poorly thought-out projects would be imperceptible to anyone: they're all shit!

Orca killer fails

The next is shark tank-like a reality show Killer whaleswhich features all the toxic crypto influencers you never wanted to hear from again. In one huge ensemble, serial hustler Mario Nawfal, pumper and dumper Ran Neuner, SBF's best friend, Anthony Scaramucciand many equally atrocious 'influencers' sit in large leather chairs and judge the contestants who bring to the table such momentous innovations as "reimagining water" and "the art of recycling."

The trailer shows the judges spitting out throwaway lines, many of them literally ripped from shark tank (e.g., โ€œThat's why I'm outโ€), the contestants suggesting โ€œif we fail, the world is screwed,โ€ and of course, people get angry and emotional.

Unfortunately, again, the show doesn't help explain what cryptocurrencies are or why they are important. He cannot explain why The judges they have chosen are the tumors of the industry they claim to speak on behalf of.

Read more: The Rise of the Crypto Influencer and the Fall of Truth

Here you have free alpha.

Instead of continuing to do shark tankIn true pitch marathon fashion, it might be up to the crypto industry to produce a different kind of show the next time they look to create a hit that brings attention to Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies in general.

Maybe a To catch a predator-Chris Hanson type program in which a presenter takes cryptocurrency entrepreneurs to a house where they are offered half a million in laundered money. When they appear, he receives them a couple of police officers who calmly tell them: โ€œTake a sit. What was on the agenda for tonight?"

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