Philippines Pirate Site Blocking Scheme Comes to Fruition * TorrentFreak

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After years of lobbying activity and behind-the-scenes discussions, the Philippines is set to implement its plan to block pirate sites next November. In a new memorandum of understanding, signed by the Government Intellectual Property Office, Internet providers agree to voluntarily block sites deemed to be copyright infringers; no court order is needed.

Page blockedThis month, the Philippines celebrates its creative industries by dedicating a special month at your work. In addition, the Government presented a long-awaited 'gift'.

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) announced that local site blocking plans are about to become a reality. IPOPHL CEO Rowel Barba signed a memorandum that will take effect at the end of November.

As part of the agreement, Internet providers will voluntarily block access to known pirate sites. These plans are not new; A similar memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed. signed more than two years ago, but that never came into effect.

New blocking agreement

The new MOU is a modified agreement between the Philippine government and local internet providers. He four page document sets the rules for an administrative pirate site blocking scheme, which does not require any court oversight.

The basics of the plan are pretty simple. Copyright holders can submit site blocking requests, which are then sent to dedicated assessment officers who will review all the details and make a decision within five days.

If a blocking request is granted, ISPs are informed so they can implement appropriate blocking measures. This can be as simple as blocking DNS queries, banning URLs, blacklisting IP addresses, or a combination of these measures.

lock options

After being alerted, Internet providers have two days to implement the blocks.

"Upon receipt of the Request, the ISP shall, within forty-eight hours, implement an efficient and effective site blocking mechanism to block its subscribers' access to the reported website," the memo reads.

Permitted Objections

Operators of affected sites will also be informed of the blocking measures and will be allowed to appeal. If the site operators do not have a contact address, they can find a copy of the blocking request on the IPOPHL website, where they will eventually appear.

Similarly, internet providers can also share any concerns, in case problems arise in the future.

While these types of administrative blocking schemes are not new, this is the first of its kind in Asia. All parties involved hope it will help deter rampant piracy in the Philippines, where more than half of consumers admit to accessing pirated services.

An earlier version of the memorandum proposed a more complex system, with the National Telecommunications Commission (CNT) as an intermediary. The NTC remains a signatory to the updated version, but will not have to review all applications individually.

The Hollywood 'observation'

The new administrative site blocking plan is a Philippine initiative, but the efforts were closely followed by the Hollywood Motion Picture Association, which is listed as a partner.

Earlier this year, there were reports that the MPA signed a agreement with IPOPHL to develop an โ€œongoing site blocking regimeโ€ whose primary goal is to disrupt access to pirate sites. This sounds similar to the deal we just announced.

Ultimately, the Philippines is making steady progress in its battle against piracy, joining more than forty countries around the world in its blocking program. Interestingly, site blocking is not yet a viable option in the United States, Hollywood's homeland.

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