Price analysis 11/10: BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, SOL, XRP, DOT, DOGE, SHIB, LUNA

Bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH) rose again to a new all-time high on November 10, indicating that the trend remains firmly in favor of the bulls.

In a recent report from Kraken Exchange, analysts said that the current quarter's price action has a 0.88 correlation with the fourth quarter of 2017.

Bitcoin had recovered 220% in Q4 2017 and if history repeats itself, Bitcoin could hit $ 96,355, which could potentially be the peak of this cycle.

Daily performance of the cryptocurrency market. Source: Coin360

Long-term holders, who have held their Bitcoin for more than 12 months, are reluctant to spend their coins, according to Glassnode's "The Week On-Chain" report. Another positive aspect is that investors continue withdraw coins from centralized exchanges whose participation in the offer has fallen to a new historical low of 12.9%.

Can Bitcoin and altcoins maintain their bullish momentum or will profit reserve drag prices lower? Let's study the charts of the top 10 cryptocurrencies to find out.