Price analysis 12/1: BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, ADA, XRP, DOT, DOGE, AVAX, SHIB

Bitcoin (BTC) ended the month of November with a decrease of around 7%. This stands in stark contrast to the $ 98,000 “worst case” prediction by PlanB, the creator of the popular stock flow model. Although the analyst described it as a "big mistake," he said he would. give the Floor model one more month.

In their latest "Week On-Chain" report, Glassnode analysts said that Bitcoin's correction in November was the "Less severe in 2021". Analysts now expect Bitcoin to witness a Santa rally, similar to the 47% bullish move in December 2020 or the sharper 80% surge that occurred in December 2017.

Daily performance of the cryptocurrency market. Source: Coin360

In other positive news for Bitcoin bulls, Bloomberg Senior Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) analyst Eric Balchunas said that "Fidelity Advantage Bitcoin ETF"It was awaiting regulatory approval to list on a Canadian stock exchange. If that happens, Fidelity would become the largest management company to offer a spot-based Bitcoin ETF."

Can the bulls maintain current momentum after starting December on a solid footing? Let's study the charts of the top 10 cryptocurrencies to find out.