Price analysis 12/3: BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, ADA, XRP, DOT, DOGE, LUNA, AVAX

Bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH) have turned down from their respective upper resistance levels, suggesting that the bears continue to sell in rallies.

New research in Australia suggests that Ethereum Enhancement Proposal (EIP) update 1559 has made Ether a better store of value than Bitcoin. The report said that the annual rate of increase in the supply of Ether since EIP-1559 is 0.98% compared to a 1.99% increase in the supply of Bitcoin.

The demand for Ether has increased following the growing popularity of non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance, and Metaverse-related altcoins. Various analysts remain bullish on Ether and anticipate that you will recover in the range between $ 6,000 and $ 10,000.

Daily performance of the cryptocurrency market. Source: Coin360

On-chain analytics firm Glassnode said a high open interest in the derivatives market and long-term holders selling could extend Bitcoin's decline. "Leverage open interest in options and futures at or at a new all-time high" could result in a reorganization.

Could Bitcoin correction bring the entire crypto sector down? Let's study the charts of the top 10 cryptocurrencies to find out.