Question Everything | ‘Like the rain falling in torrents on a thousand raging rivers’ – Bulatlat

Book Review About the Legal Democratic Mass Movement by José María Sison (Sison Reader Series Book 12)

“The enemy is strong, yes. But we are also strong. If we unite, if those who have strength bring strength, if those who have intellect bring intellect… like rain pouring down on a thousand raging rivers, we will sweep away all the filth of the 'new society'”. – Popular Uprising for Freedom and Democracy

José María Sison mentioned this in his account of the protest against Martial Law on September 30, 1977. Around 35,000 people bravely defied the state thugs in Manila to oppose the dictatorship.

Sison's account of the mass protest is significant in that it showed that the serious challenge to the notorious Ferdinand Marcos regime arose only a few years after the imposition of Martial Law. In fact, there was an upsurge in protests after the assassination of opposition senator Ninoy Aquino in 1983, but the resistance already mobilized tens of thousands in the streets during the first decade of the dictatorship.

It was a creative and militant display of activism. Sison wrote about the street tactics used by protesters to confuse authorities and evade a police raid. I was reminded of the 2019 Hong Kong protests, which drew global attention for embodying Bruce Lee's "be like water" philosophy. Sison's description of the protest against Marcos also alluded to the power of flowing water, but his example was "rain pouring down a thousand raging rivers," which I think accurately captured the essence of the Philippine national democracy movement since field. to the cities

It remains a relevant formulation as it allows us to see our mass campaigns in the context of the ongoing struggle for genuine social transformation.

Sison's latest book contains numerous lessons on the urban mass movement, the history of student activism, the rise of the anti-dictatorship coalition, and the role of the Philippine mass movement in building a global anti-imperialist front.

For history students, the book offers valuable and interesting information, such as the success of activists in recovering Marxist books and returning them to the UP library system in the 1950s.

Sison also wrote about the large anti-fascist demonstrations of August and October 1971 that mobilized up to 50,000 people. Again, this is an important account from a well-known anti-Marcos leader, as the popular narrative focuses on the enduring legacy of the First Quarter Storm of 1970 and the Diliman Commune in 1971.

We need more testimonies and reports that highlight the lesser-known protests that contributed to building a formidable resistance to the dictatorship.

Sison's teachings on the mass movement are based on his actual experience as a youth leader and political organizer. This book compiles his essential perspectives on strengthening the urban struggle. He emphasized that "mass actions are peaceful but militant, vigorous but not violent." He repeated this point in 1995 when he wrote that "the urban-based democratic mass movement must be primarily legal and defensive in character, even if it is verbally offensive, articulate and militant."

He warned about the dangers of reformism that "reduces the people and their organizations to mere objects of periodic electoralism." Furthermore, he described it as "the systematic use of palliatives to preserve the fundamental interests of the exploiting classes." He clarified in 2009 that "there is no error of reformism when it is not pontificated that the fight for reforms is the only option for the people."

He was in prison in 1985 when he gave this advice to fellow activists about early elections. “You can decide to extend direct support to the opposition presidential tandem that meets your criteria; or you can decide to extend only indirect support if you feel they do not deserve direct support.” He even encouraged the filing of candidates. “You can join an electoral coalition not only because you directly or indirectly support the opposition presidential tandem, but also because you are interested in seeing progressive candidates nominated and elected.” His message clearly did not advocate boycotting the historic elections, contrary to what his detractors have been spreading to discredit his political legacy.

The second part of the book reflects his virtual interactions with grassroots organizations in his respected role as a veteran Filipino activist and Marxist revolutionary. His statements are familiar because they are often quoted in mainstream media and academic articles. From the early 1960s until the time of his death, his views have been requested by those who wanted to know more about the Philippine left and the prospects of the world socialist movement. Readers will readily recognize that his writings represent the radical tradition of politics.

I read with interest his message during the 8th BAYAN Congress in 2009 when he challenged the delegates to persevere. "From the struggle itself, you and the people learn to solve problems, overcome obstacles, gain strength and move forward."

As I write this, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) announced the death of communist leaders Benito and Wilma Tiamzon, who were brutally tortured and killed by state forces. Unsurprisingly, anti-leftist ideologues ridiculed the CPP, and some commentators described the local communist movement as a spent force. I remembered what Sison wrote in 2013 when he responded to a trick question about the alleged irrelevance of the underground national democratic struggle.

“The US and local exploiting classes would not be as concerned about the popular democratic revolution if it has lost its validity,” Sison said.

In 2019, the 80-year-old Sison summed up his legacy as a lifelong revolutionary. “My mission in life is already accomplished: to criticize the oppressive and exploitative semi-colonial and semi-feudal system and try to overthrow it in my lifetime. A solid foundation has already been laid for the younger generations to continue the revolutionary process.”

Sison and his companions have done more than enough to revive and guide the national liberation movement and promote the socialist cause. This book is a testament to his brilliance, patriotism, and outstanding contribution to the working-class movement. His writings will certainly guide the new generation of activists and revolutionaries in their mission to build a world of struggle for a better future.

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