R.I. will keep flooding. And we’re still not prepared. – The Boston Globe

Why is this work important right now?

Increased frequency of severe weather events, rising sea levels, and a changing climate are contributing to increased flood risk for many Rhode Island communities. Rhode Island planners, emergency management officials, floodplain managers, and other related professionals are concerned that Rhode Islanders are not prepared to effectively mitigate the impacts of flood damage.

Rhode Island's salt marshes are being rapidly lost to rising sea levels, and man-made flood resiliency measures are being overwhelmed by unprecedented weather events. We need to bring planners, scientists, and policymakers together to ensure a safer, more resilient future for all Rhode Islanders.

What does the recent flooding we have experienced say about Rhode Island's flood preparedness?

We can continue to prepare for floods, but we must also take steps to find more fundamental solutions. We need to support policies that address the root of the problem, the problem is that Rhode Island's stormwater infrastructure is crumbling under the pressure of increased rainfall and development.

Is it the kind of thing that we as a state have in mind?

I think it's becoming more and more of a priority as damage mitigation dollars continue to be spent. Some of our neighboring states in New England are doing a lot more in terms of reducing flood damage. Flooding doesn't stop at state lines. So if there are programs that work for our neighbors, why aren't we doing the same?

What else could we be doing?

I think the main priority right now is the dissemination of information and education.

We need to make sure that people who live in higher-risk areas are aware of their risks, and those looking to buy a home or build a home in a flood-prone area need to understand the danger inherent in that choice. People should be aware of the National Flood Insurance Program in order to make informed decisions about their purchases and risk appetite.

Additionally, we need Rhode Island regulations and policies to encourage or mandate environmentally sound management of floodplains.

Is there anything in particular that all Rhode Islanders can do to prepare for a future in which flooding is a major concern?

Rhode Islanders (regular people, not just planners) should make sure they are aware of their flood zone, familiarize themselves with FEMA flood maps, and use future projection tools provided through organizations like CRMC and Sea Grant. , as STORMSthe Coastal Hazards App, our Coastal Adaptation Inventory and others to plan for potential disasters.

This story first appeared in Rhode Map, our free Rhode Island newsletter that also contains information on local events, links to interesting stories, and more. If you want to receive it by email from Monday to Friday, You can sign up here.

Brian Amaral can be reached at brian.amaral@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @bamaral44.

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