RARBG, the iconic TORRENT site announced its closure for economic reasons “we can no longer do it. Sorry, bye” | Ruetir.com

For different reasons, mainly to save money or not have it, such as the need to watch a series or movie that does not reach our region, not even on platforms, torrent downloads have always been a quick and saving method to download different media. But obviously, the sites that host torrents are completely illegal and their closure is strongly persecuted by various entertainment industries, although sometimes they must be fired for other reasons.

And recently, one of the last strongholds of this form of file sharing, the popular RARBG site, which had been running since 2008, during this time switching to different domains and adding millions of users, has been reported to have shut down. This is how, in these 15 years, RARBG has become one of the most important sites and a key player in the torrent ecosystem, specializing in sharing high-quality video content, from DVD in its beginnings to video formats. current high resolution.

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Upon entering the site, you can read the message delivered by the RARBG team, who say that the reasons for its closure range from COVID, to the death of someone on the team due to the war in Ukraine. The message begins with “hi guys”, followed by the announcement of the closure, commenting that: “The last 2 years have been very difficult for us: some people on our team died due to covid complications, others are still suffering from the side effects. about herself: not being able to work at all. Some are also fighting the war in Europe – ON BOTH SIDES. In addition, we were quite affected by the increase in the price of energy in data centers in Europe. Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to cover.”

“Therefore, we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. After a unanimous vote, we have decided that we can no longer do this. Sorry, bye," they say.

News that many will surely regret, especially those who every time they waited for a tape to reach digital formats, it appeared in a few hours on this site, which no longer exists.

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