RockX And Matrixportโ€™s Cactus Custody Revolutionize Institutional Crypto Staking

rocaxa leading name in enterprise-grade engagement solutions in Asia, has partnered with homeport's Cactus CustodyMatrixport's esteemed institutional custodian brand, to redefine the crypto betting landscape.

The collaboration focuses on making crypto betting safer and more easily accessible to major financial institutions, with a focus on regulatory compliance and enhanced security.

Addressing Obstacles to Betting

The appeal of staking to guarantee stable returns has not gone unnoticed by institutions. However, it is not without its challenges. There is a lot to navigate, from cybersecurity concerns and regulatory barriers to the ever-present token shorting risks. Enter Cactus Custody. Their robust security solutions are poised to alleviate these institutional fears.

Speaking exclusively with gasoline about collaborationChen Zhuling, RockX CEO said, "The need for strong collaboration between the custody and participation sectors has been highlighted by the increase in Ethereum betting volume after the Shapella update last April. โ€œThis development allows more ETH holders to participate in network validation and introduces a stable yield curve to the crypto market.โ€

"Traditional financial institutions looking to explore this growing opportunity can now do so with greater confidence, thanks to our partnership with like-minded institutional solutions such as Cactus Custody," he added.

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Ethereum's rise fuels momentum

The recent rebound in EthereumThe betting volume, fueled by the successful launch of Shapella Upgrade in April, has only intensified institutional curiosity in digital assets. This growing interest underlines the enormous potential of digital assets to generate returns.

Cactus Custody and RockX: powerhouses in their own right

Cactus Custody is not new to the game. With an impressive SOC-2 certification and licenses from regulatory bodies in Hong Kong and Switzerland, it currently protects billions in digital assets spanning over 30 blockchains for a clientele of over 300 institutions. On the other hand, RockX is not far behind, offering staking services for over 20 fundamental tokens and recently celebrated a whopping $1 billion in total staking assets.

Speaking of the initiative, Wendy Jiang head of Cactus Custody, said gasoline"With its increased security and accountability, institutional-grade custody services will play an increasingly important role, similar to its position as a foundation in traditional finance. Our industry partnerships, such as with RockX, will contribute to the long-term stability and legitimacy of the crypto industry."

Simplifying the betting process

The union of RockX and Cactus Custody is more than just a partnership; It is a turning point for institutional bets. They offer an easy one-click solution by simplifying the often complex non-custodial staking process. This enhances the trust within the ecosystem and paves the way for a more inclusive digital asset landscape.

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Photo: Matrixport

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