SAJBD calls for reinstatement of Dr. Bridget Farham as editor of SAMJ

Wendy Kahn |

April 9, 2024

Forced resignation results from spate of abuses by pro-Palestinian SAMA members, board says

The SAJBD calls for the reinstatement of Dr. Bridget Farham as editor of the SAMJ

April 9, 2024

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) is calling for the immediate reinstatement of Dr Bridget Farham as editor of the South African Medical Journal, following her dismissal by the South African Medical Association (SAMA).

Dr Farham's forced resignation comes after a torrent of abuse by pro-Palestinian members of SAMA and after facing criticism from SAMA itself. This was in response to a sober editorial where he stated that there was no “moral equivalence” between Hamas's invasion of Israel on October 7 and Israel's retaliation.

SAMA's unprofessional and unfair treatment of Dr Farham is an unacceptable form of bullying that attempts to quash anyone who dares to express a different opinion despite academic rigour.

By forcing Dr. Farham to resign, SAMA has brought itself into disrepute and damaged the proud reputation of an organization that seeks to unite physicians with diverse backgrounds and exists "to serve the best interests and needs of its members in all matters related to medical care." "


Not only are they failing to fulfill their mandate, they are also behaving in a manner contrary to what we would expect to see from a medical professional body.

Editorial text:

Israel, Gaza and moral equivalence

I have been accused of moral cowardice for rejecting two presentations that are frankly heavily biased towards Palestine and neither of which mention the events of October 7, 2023. Perhaps my accuser is right.