Sound Transit To Launch Platform Fare Inspection in Early June โ€“ The Urbanist

Sound Transit fare ambassadors will become a more common sight on Link light rail station platforms starting June 3, 2024. (Sound Transit)

Sound Transit is implementing another version of its fare compliance protocols. Fare Ambassadors will implement a new system of fare inspections on and around platforms at some Link light rail stations starting Monday, June 3. This follows the reintroduction of stricter fare compliance protocols launched last fallas the agency has done been staffing the rate ambassador team.

The new system will be gradually rolled out across the Link system, but initially only Line 1 stations with a โ€œfare paid zoneโ€ marked will be affected by the changes. Fare payment zones are clearly delineated with yellow floor markings and signs, and are lined with ORCA readers at zone entrances.

The Link system's newest stations already contain fare-paid zones, but Sound Transit launched a project in 2022 expand them to more stations, initially with a focus on downtown Seattle. Establishing fare zones involves installing new markings and signage at mezzanine and street-level entrances, relocating ORCA readers, and installing ticket machines near zone entrances.

At the U District station, ORCA card readers are located at station entrances outside of fare payment areas. Signage and floor markings identify where the zones begin. (Esteban Fesler)

In the first phase, fare ambassadors will implement the new inspection protocol at downtown Seattle stations and progressively expand it to additional stations following the opening of Lynnwood Link extension at the end of this summer. Along with the new inspection protocol, fare ambassadors will continue to conduct fare inspections on board trains.

Starting June 3, passengers can expect inspections within fare-paid zones. When Fare Ambassadors conduct platform inspections, they will methodically inspect all passengers on the platform, and will only temporarily suspend inspections when โ€œthe train is nowโ€ announcements are made. Fare ambassadors divide into two teams, starting inspections from the other end of the platforms and moving towards the center.

Sound Transit believes this strategy will allow for more efficient fare inspection, particularly at peak times, which are More traffic is expected. once the Lynnwood Link extension opens. Fare ambassadors will also help passengers navigate stations and direct them to payment kiosks.

Passengers who do not comply with fare policies will be recorded in the agency's database and will be issued a ticket by fare ambassadors. Per agency policies, fare ambassadors use a 12-month lookback period to determine consequences for fare violations.

During the review period, the first two interactions will result in warnings, and the third and fourth interactions will result in violations that must be resolved by no-monetary options (such as loading the fine amount on an ORCA card or participating in a fare violation resolution class) or paying a fine ($50 fine for the third interaction and $75 fine for the fourth interaction). A fifth or more interaction will result in a $124 civil violation and may be referred to the court system.

Youth 18 years of age or younger are eligible to participate in the Youth Free Fare program. Young people are encouraged to register, obtain and use a free Youth Transit Passbut fare ambassadors will accept verbal confirmation of age to determine if a fare-free trip is acceptable.

The new rate application protocol has been in the works for a long time. When the Sound Transit board authorized changes to the fare compliance program in 2022, the scope of policy He called for compliance with tariffs not only in vehicles but also in tariff payment areas. Some board members have also pushed for paywalls to be installed at stations, although that proposal appears to have been shelved and was only brought to light by a public records request by The urban planner.

As part of the new inspection protocol, Sound Transit will evaluate and refine its operation. That will include passenger participation through an online survey to gather feedback.

Stephen is a professional urban planner in Puget Sound with a passion for sustainable, livable and diverse cities. He is especially interested in how policies, regulations and programs can promote positive outcomes for communities. With stints in big cities like Bellingham and Cork, Stephen currently lives in Seattle. He primarily covers land use and transportation issues and has been at The Urbanist since 2014.

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