Source codes, payment reports and more information on massive data theft from Twitch

Twitch has suffered massive data theft that could create a lot of problems for the entire future of the platform. The amount of information extracted from the platform must be one of the largest leaks on record. The event was announced through 4chan, where a user published a 125GB torrent, with files ranging from the source code of the applications, to the payment histories.

The company has admitted the security breach and claims to be working to mitigate the problem, however it represents a very strong blow that reaches users.

What does massive Twitch data theft include?

A few hours passed from the information leak and Twitch confirmed the attack and indicated that they are working on knowing its magnitude. We are talking about a platform that occupies the leadership of the streaming sector and where many creators have been migrating. Precisely these users have also been victims of massive thefts of Twitch data, since within the 125GB of the file there are 3 years of detailed reports of their payments and the history of comments.

Part of this torrent file contains the source codes for Twitch's desktop and mobile apps. As if that wasn't enough, they also involve the entire website code update history.

Likewise, internal company documents have been obtained that speak of โ€œVaporโ€, a competitor that Amazon Game Studios prepares for Steam. According to what is known in this document, the service will have a chat called "Vapeworld" and everything can be integrated into the Twitch transmissions. On the other hand, it seems that this file does not handle passwords of the users of the platform.

However, this is not to say that the information has not been extracted because it is said to be only the first part of this massive theft of Twitch data. If you are a user of the platform, change your password immediately, as a security measure.

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