Supermarkets inquiry 2024-25

Investigation Announcement

On 25 January 2024, the Australian Government announced that it will direct the ACCC to conduct an investigation into Australia's supermarket sector.

The research will examine supermarket pricing practices and the relationship between wholesale prices, including farmgate prices, and retail prices.

Formal guidance from the Australian Government was received on 1 February 2024, including terms of reference.

Time frame

The investigation into supermarkets will last one year.

We hope to publish an issue paper in February 2024 in which we will solicit views on the key questions we will consider in this research.

An interim report will be provided to the Australian Government by August 31, 2024.

The final report must be submitted no later than February 28, 2025.

Legal basis of the consultation.

According to Part VIIA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010The Treasurer may direct the ACCC to conduct a pricing investigation into a particular matter.

A price inquiry allows the ACCC to use its mandatory information gathering powers to collect information from the relevant parties subject to the inquiry.

See also

Press release: ACCC to examine prices and competition in supermarket sector, 25 January 2024

Directorate of Competition and Consumption (Price Consultationโ€”Supermarkets) 2024

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