Tasmania senator Jacqui Lambie describes torrent of abuse from Covid-19 anti-vaxxers online

Jacqui Lambie has described the torrent of abuse she received from anti-vaccines after urging Australians to be beaten in a fight. senate speaks.

The Tasmanian senator said she was called 'crazy, stupid, ugly and fat' in a relentless barrage of abuse on her social media pages.

Senator Lambie also changed her phone number after One Nation's Tasmanian Senate candidate Steve Mav leaked it online.

Jacqui Lambie (pictured) was elected to the Senate in 2019. On Monday she passionately opposed a One Nation bill to ban vaccine mandates.

Jacqui Lambie (pictured) was elected to the Senate in 2019. On Monday she passionately opposed a One Nation bill to ban vaccine mandates.

Senator Lambie said other senators should not be

Senator Lambie said other senators should not be "facilitating any abuse" against politicians at a time when protesters have threatened MPs.

"There were people who launched into my comments on posts from years ago, with no relation to Covid, only to call me a 'whore' or a 'bogan,' Senator Lambie wrote in The new daily.

Thousands of angry comments. Some people commented 50 times, attacking anyone who supported me.

Some accused me of treason. He said he should die. Said he was crazy, stupid, ugly, fat, not good enough to be a senator. Precious things.

In the Senate on Tuesday, Senator Lambie criticized One Nation for leaking her phone number after she opposed the party's bill to ban mandatory vaccinations.

"You have the (federal police) informing politicians about our security, you have the gallows on the steps of the Victorian parliament and the senators in this very chamber should not facilitate any abuse," he said.

'It is completely unacceptable to leak the personal contact details of other senators to the public just because you don't like what they are saying.

"A nation has crossed a line here that should never be crossed."

Sen. Malcolm Roberts (pictured) said Senator Lambie's number was posted by One Nation's Tasmanian Senate candidate Steve Mav.

Sen. Malcolm Roberts (pictured) said Senator Lambie's number was posted by One Nation's Tasmanian Senate candidate Steve Mav.

Senator Malcolm Roberts told the Senate that Mav released the number after it was sent to him by a voter who obtained it from a Facebook post by Senator Lambie urging people to contact her.

Appearing via a video link, Senator Roberts accused Senator Lambie of playing the victim and misrepresenting the circumstances, which was answered by her shaking her head at the camera.

Senator Lambie asked Senate President Slade Brockman to investigate the leak of her number and decide whether Senator Roberts should issue an apology, in addition to looking at senators' safety more broadly.

Senator Brockman is considering both issues.

The revelation came on the same day that two men were indicted after allegedly leaving threatening messages on the phone of Western Australian Prime Minister Mark McGowan.

The prime minister's personal phone number was leaked last month and he was forced to shut down his constituency's office south of Perth indefinitely amid security concerns.

"There have been death threats, there have been threats to rape my staff, there have been people who have threatened to bomb my office," he said.

It also comes a day after Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said the force was on high alert following threats against high-profile politicians in recent weeks.

Senator Lambie made headlines this week with two impassioned speeches in the Senate, one on vaccination and the other on the government's failure to introduce a federal anti-corruption watchdog.

On Tuesday he criticized Scott Morrison, calling him a liar and the worst prime minister in history. in a scathing spiel.

Senator Lambie lashed out at Morrison and the Coalition for their "incompetence" and said she was looking forward to him losing the next election.

'It has ended in the next election. You're gone, '' Senator Lambie said.

'You ended up in Tasmania. I reckon both of your seats are gone. They are completely gone, '' he said in reference to Bass and Braddon's ultra-marginal seats.

The outspoken independent senator said she would run her own candidates in the seats held by liberals and "pass those preferences where they deserve to go, not to political liars."

She approached Morrison for not keeping his election promises.

'[The Coalition] they have gone from one prime minister to another and this is the worst on record, 'he said.

He is incompetent. He's not a leader and I enjoy watching him and you fall apart. '

Lambie said it was "shameful" that the government had not established an Independent Federal Commission against Corruption almost three years after the Prime Minister first promised to do so.

"It has been 1,076 days that the prime minister stood up and told the country that they would get an integrity commission in this term from parliament," he said.

"He told us he was committed to doing it, another lie."

The incredible spiel comes after Lambie unleashed One Nation leader Pauline Hanson on Monday for her stance against vaccine mandates.

He accused One Nation of 'using people's fear' to gain popularity before the next election.

On Monday, Ms. Hanson introduced a bill to ban mandatory vaccinations and override requirements by state and territorial leaders for full vaccination to be required in some settings.

Despite the fact that five Coalition senators crossed the room, the bill did not pass.

With AAP

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