
Tezos: A Self-Amending Cryptocurrency with On-Chain Governance

Tezos is a unique cryptocurrency that stands apart from others through its on-chain and self-modifying governance model. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, Tezos allows for protocol updates without relying on external updates or hard forks. Instead, the Tezos blockchain has a built-in governance system that allows interested parties to propose and vote for updates directly on the blockchain. This not only streamlines the upgrade process, but also creates a more democratic and decentralized system.

Tezos' on-chain governance model allows stakeholders to participate in the decision-making process and have a say in the future direction of the platform. This system ensures that the blockchain remains secure, transparent, and adaptable to changing needs. Furthermore, the auto-correct feature allows Tezos to evolve and adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Overall, Tezos represents a significant innovation in the world of cryptocurrencies and demonstrates the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize governance and decision-making processes.

What is Tezos?

Tezos is a decentralized blockchain platform that allows you to build smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) on top of it. It was founded in 2014 by Arthur and Kathleen Breitman, with the goal of creating a blockchain that could evolve and improve over time without the need for hard forks. Tezos uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which means validators are chosen based on the number of Tezos tokens they own and stake. This mechanism ensures that the network is secure, as validators have an incentive to act in the best interest of the network. If you are interested in trading Tezos or other cryptocurrencies, you may consider checking out bitcoinprime.software which is an online trading platform.

Tezos On-Chain Governance Model

Tezos' on-chain governance model is what sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies. This model allows stakeholders to propose and vote on changes to the Tezos protocol directly within the blockchain. The governance process works as follows:

  • Proposal: An interested party proposes a change to the Tezos protocol by submitting a proposal. The proposal can be for any change, from bug fixes to major updates.
  • Exploration: The proposal enters an exploration phase, where other interested parties can explore and discuss the proposal. This phase is intended to ensure that stakeholders have a good understanding of the proposal and its potential impact.
  • Evidence: If the proposal is deemed worthy, it enters a testing phase, where developers and validators test it. This phase is intended to ensure that the proposal is technically sound and can be implemented without causing any problems.
  • Vote: If the proposal passes the test, it enters a voting phase, where stakeholders can vote whether to accept or reject the proposal. This phase is where the on-chain governance model really shines, as stakeholders can vote directly within the blockchain without the need for external upgrades or hard forks.
  • Implementation: If the proposal is accepted, it is implemented directly within the Tezos blockchain, without the need for external updates or hard forks.

This on-chain governance model allows the Tezos blockchain to evolve and improve over time without the need for contentious hard forks. It also ensures that stakeholders have a direct say in the direction of the protocol, which increases the decentralization of the network.

Tezos vs. Other Cryptocurrencies

Tezos' on-chain governance model sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies, which typically rely on hard forks or external upgrades to make changes to the protocol. Hard forks can be contentious and can lead to network splits, as seen with the Bitcoin and Ethereum hard forks. External updates, on the other hand, require users to manually update their nodes, which can lead to network fragmentation.

Tezos' on-chain governance model solves these problems by allowing updates to be proposed, tested, and deployed directly within the blockchain. This ensures that the network remains cohesive and allows stakeholders to have a direct say in the direction of the protocol.


Tezos self-healing cryptocurrency with on-chain governance is a revolutionary approach to blockchain governance. It allows updates to be proposed, tested, and deployed directly within the blockchain, ensuring that the network remains cohesive and increases its decentralization. This on-chain governance model sets Tezos apart from other cryptocurrencies and makes it a promising platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts.

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