The young man accused of raping a fourteen-year-old minor in Valencia goes to prison

11/16/2021 at 11:57 CET

Ignacio Cabanes

Fully covered with a white blanket, like a ghost, to protect the face of the alleged rapist in front of the cameras. This is how it came out yesterday at noon from the courts of Torrent (Valencia) the young man accused of sexually assaulting a minor only fourteen years old in a grove of this same municipality last Friday. Guarded by agents of the National Police, the 21-year-old detainee was transferred to prison, after the judge agreed to this measure, without the possibility of bail, after taking a statement. This is the second violation that occurs in this same municipality in just over 24 hours, since another teenager was the victim of another sexual assault on the night from Saturday to Sunday during a party in an apartment also in Torrent.

the accused of a crime of sexual assault on a minor 16 years old Yesterday he acknowledged in court that he had had sexual relations with the minor, but denied having forced her at any time and maintains that both had been expressly - according to the messages that were exchanged through a social network - to have sexual relations. He also alleged that he was completely unaware that the girl was fourteen years old and that she herself told him on several occasions that she was already 16, the age at which there could be sexual consent.

The facts, exclusively communicated by Levante-EMV, it happened last friday afternoon when the victim and the accused were in torrent After meeting through Instagram and sending risky messages. After staying at the metro station they went to a green area of โ€‹โ€‹the Vedat, a place where the alleged violation would have occurred.

A passerby he located the minor lying on the floor unconscious and took her to the ambulatory, where the girl told what happened. His alleged rapist was arrested that same afternoon by the Torrent Local Police at the local metro station before fleeing the municipality.

The detainee was brought to justice yesterday. The defense, exercised by Ferrer and Cogollos Abogados, maintains that their client was completely unaware that the minor was fourteen years old, in fact the police have conversations between them where she tells him that she is 16 years old and that they are both in Torrent to have sex with mutual agreement. Likewise, the defendant maintains that at one point the minor felt bad and went to ask for help, but I was afraid to see that she had faded and gone.

Nevertheless, The victim denounces that at one point he told him to stop and far from doing so, he continued until, due to heart problems he suffers, he lost consciousness.. After being explored by the hospital forensic doctor, he determined that the minor had injuries consistent with a violation. For this reason, the Court of Instruction number one of Torrent agreed yesterday the entry to provisional prison, communicated and without the possibility of bail, of the accused for a crime of sexual assault on a person under 16 years of age.

Second violation of another minor

On the other hand, the National Police arrested another 31-year-old man this weekend for a second sexual assault in this same municipality on a girl under the age of fifteen. In this case, the denounced events took place in an apartment where both were in a festive atmosphere with a relative of the minor. The detainee reportedly entered the child's room while she was sleeping and touched her.

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