Thousands of Edinburgh employees benefit from fair pay after Living Wage campaign

A campaign to increase the number of businesses achieving Real Living Wage accreditation has led to 12,000 Edinburgh workers receiving a direct, guaranteed pay rise over the last decade.

Since the Scottish Real Living Wage campaign was first launched in 2013, more than 700 Edinburgh businesses have made voluntary commitment pay the only salary designed to rise in line with the cost of living in the UK.

Those commitments have meant total pay rises worth almost ยฃ100m over the past 10 years for the lowest-paid workers in Scotland's capital.

Speaking at an event in Edinburgh on Wednesday to mark Living Wage Week in Scotland, Councilor Jane Meagher welcomed the achievement but said fair pay must go further.

As co-chair of the Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group and Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Coordinator, she said:

We've had a record few years in Edinburgh for Living Wage registrations and it looks like we're witnessing some real movement. This year alone we have seen over 100 businesses register as true living wage employers and eight Edinburgh employers committing to the new standard of Living Hours. It is necessary to celebrate it, but we cannot be complacent.

The coming months and years will be critical because we know that poverty in Edinburgh is increasing. Last week, we declared housing emergency because we simply do not have enough affordable and suitable housing in the city to meet demand. With households facing financial insecurity and rents in Edinburgh among the highest in the UK, wage security is more important than ever.

We know Edinburgh-based businesses want to help tackle low pay and insecure work, but we know employers are under increasing pressure. They also face a cost-of-living crisis, high bills and hiring challenges.

As the real living wage rate rises to ยฃ12 an hour, Living Wage Week and the events organized here in Edinburgh and across the country provide an opportunity to show how far we have come, whilst recognizing that needs more work. We need to help employers make the real living wage the norm. Everyone deserves a fair wage for a fair day's work.

Kat Brogan, CEO of Mercat Tours and co-chair of the Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group, said:

For any employer who hasn't achieved this yet but wants to sign up for the Real Living Wage, this has never been a more crucial time. The cost of living remains high, especially in Edinburgh.

As a powerful advocate for living wage businesses, our Action Group can provide advice and guide you to become a living wage employer. It will benefit your team, your business and Edinburgh as a thriving city offering a fair experience for all.

The living wage is a crucial element of 'real life' - a happy, healthy and fulfilling life - and it is very important to highlight its importance this Living Wage Week.

Earlier this year, more than 70 delegates from 16 towns, boroughs and cities across the UK joined Edinburgh City Council to call on employers to offer "a fair wage for a fair day's work" in First Living Wage Places Network event in Scotland. The selection of Edinburgh followed the recognition of the Scottish capital as a living wage city in 2021.

Christine McCaig, project coordinator at Living Wage Scotland, added:

We're celebrating continued progress towards 'Making Edinburgh a Living Wage City' this Living Wage Week. Around a fifth of Scotland's 3,400 accredited Living Wage employers are based in Edinburgh, marking Scotland's capital as a significant contributor to the continued growth of the Living Wage employer movement.

Despite the challenges many businesses face, more employers are showing their commitment to addressing in-work poverty and demonstrating leadership and resilience at a time when workers need it most.

The Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group was set up in 2021 with the aim of building the living wage movement in Scotland's capital. Employers who would like to know more about the group or would like information and advice on obtaining accreditation can contact

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