TV Host Apologises For โ€˜Insultingโ€™ Adele Before Interview

An Australian television host publicly apologized on the air for "insulting" Adele after her interview was shelved because she did not listen to her album beforehand.

Matt Doran had flown around the world from Sydney to London to meet the star on November 4, where he was promoting his latest album.

But during their conversation, he admitted that he had not listened to the album (which Sony had emailed him). As a result, Sony Music withheld the footage of the interview ... which had cost Channel 7 AUD $ 1 million (ยฃ 530,000 / USD $ 710,000).

Matt apologized and explained that he had missed the email with the album copy, which he said was the "most important email I had missed."

Speaking more about the mishap, Doran told viewers on his Saturday morning show: "Now I want to address something that has made headlines this week and something for which I would like to apologize.

"This is a story that has sparked a torrent of abuse and ridicule around the world. And if I'm honest with you, most of this aggression I fully deserve and belong to."

Credit: Instagram / adele / ITV

He went on to say, "I flew to London to interview Adele, an indescribable privilege and what would be one of the highlights of my career."

"I made the terrible mistake of assuming they weren't going to get a preview copy of this album, because our interview was aired before its release and Adele's album was the most precious secret in the industry.

"The next day after landing in London, an email came from Sony. It didn't mention Adele, but it did contain a link to her album.

"The truth is that the truth is that I missed it. By an absurdly long margin, the most important email I have ever missed in my life."

After describing what the two of them talked about and addressing the rumors that Adele left (which he says she didn't), Matt added, "During the 29 minutes, Adele was deep. It was fun. It was raw, and then she was. she was honest, honest enough to describe her depression as doomsday.

"But all that doesn't matter. Because by losing the album link, as much as I try to justify it, I have insulted Adele."

In a last desperate attempt to try to change things, he said: "To Adele I say: I never would have knowingly disrespected you by deliberately not listening to your work. I am so sorry.

"I also apologize to Adele's Australian fans and to you, our viewers, who due to my mistake have been denied this interview and understanding of her character.

"Adele - track 10, Hold On, on the bridge, after the second chorus, you write that 'sometimes forgiveness is easier in secret.'

"I don't expect that forgiveness, but I owe you an apology."

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