
US cryptocurrency firm Ripple is seeking an Irish licence from the Central Bank

Sendi Young, the firm's European managing director, said that Ripple is planning a major expansion into the European market after a major court victory in the US.

“We are in the process of applying for our UK crypto asset registration and our Irish payments license,” he told DL News, a cryptocurrency publication.

“All of these are massive investments with a view to continuing to grow exponentially in this region.”

In a statement to the independent irishthe Central Bank said it does not "confirm or comment on individual authorization requests."

"Authorization is an important part of the Central Bank's job to protect consumers and investors, and to ensure the proper functioning of the financial system," he said.

"The Central Bank deals with authorization requests from companies from all financial sectors in an open, committed and constructive manner."

Ripple is an American company that has built a digital payments network aimed at financial services companies.

He has created his own cryptocurrency, XRP, which is currently the fourth largest cryptocurrency in the world by market capitalization.

XRP has several functions, including the use for currency exchange.

In 2020, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission sued Ripple for selling XRP as an unlicensed security.

Earlier this month, the judge in the case issued a summary judgment finding that Ripple did not violate the law when XRP was sold on public exchanges.

Some investors took this as a sign that cryptocurrencies may not be subject to the same rules that apply to securities like stocks and bonds.

This resulted in the value of XRP rising, temporarily almost doubling, in the wake of the decision.

However, Gabriel Makhlouf, the governor of the Central Bank, has indicated on multiple occasions that he is very wary of cryptocurrencies.

In a blog post on the Central Bank's website in May, Mr. Makhlouf compared unbacked cryptocurrencies to Ponzi schemes, a form of fraud, and promised tighter controls for digital currencies.

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