VanEck lays out themes defining this Crypto Bear Market โ€“ Tekedia

The cryptocurrency market has been in a downtrend since May, when a series of negative events triggered a sell-off. The market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies has fallen more than 50% from its peak of more than $2.5 trillion, and many investors are wondering if the cryptocurrency winter is here to stay.

We will explore some of the key themes defining this cryptocurrency bear market and how they affect the industry's outlook. We'll also share some insights from our portfolio manager, who oversees the VanEck Vectors Digital Assets Equity ETF (DAPP), which invests in companies participating in the digital asset ecosystem.

Topic 1: Regulatory uncertainty

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One of the main factors that has contributed to the decline of the cryptocurrency market is regulatory uncertainty in several jurisdictions. Many governments are still debating how to regulate cryptocurrencies and related activities such as mining, trading, custody, and taxation. Some countries, such as China, have taken a tough stance and banned cryptocurrency-related activities entirely, while others, such as the United States, have taken a more nuanced approach and issued guidelines on specific aspects of the industry.

The lack of clear and consistent regulation creates challenges for both investors and companies in the crypto space. Investors risk losing access to certain platforms or services, or having their assets seized or frozen by authorities. Companies risk being closed or fined for non-compliance or having to relocate to more favorable jurisdictions. This uncertainty also discourages innovation and adoption, as many potential users and developers may be deterred by the legal risks involved.

Our portfolio manager believes that regulation is inevitable and necessary for the crypto industry to mature and gain widespread acceptance. He also believes that regulation can be beneficial to the industry as it can provide clarity, legitimacy and protection for both investors and companies. He hopes regulators will eventually adopt a balanced and proportional approach that recognizes the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies, while addressing legitimate concerns of financial stability, consumer protection and national security.

Topic 2: Environmental Concerns

Another issue that has weighed on the cryptocurrency market is the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining. Mining is the process of validating transactions and creating new currencies on a blockchain network, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Mining requires a lot of computing power and electricity, which generates a significant amount of carbon emissions. According to some estimates, the annual energy consumption of Bitcoin mining is comparable to that of some medium-sized countries, such as Argentina or Norway.

The environmental impact of crypto mining has attracted criticism from various stakeholders, including environmental activists, policymakers, and institutional investors. Some prominent figures, such as Tesla CEO Elon Musk, have publicly expressed concerns about the carbon footprint of cryptocurrencies and have withdrawn their support for certain currencies. Some governments, such as China and Iran, have also cracked down on crypto mining due to its impact on the power grid and the environment.

Our portfolio manager recognizes that crypto mining poses an environmental challenge that the industry must address. He also notes that there are solutions that can reduce energy consumption and emissions from crypto mining, such as switching to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, or adopting alternative consensus mechanisms that do not depend on mining. He believes these solutions will become more prevalent and viable over time, as the industry evolves and responds to market demand and social pressure.

Topic 3: Technological innovation

The third theme that defines this cryptocurrency bear market is the technological innovation that is occurring in the industry. Despite the market crash, the crypto space continues to witness rapid development and experimentation in various areas such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT), layer 2 solutions, interoperability protocols and central bank digital currencies (CBDC). ). These innovations aim to improve the functionality, scalability, usability and diversity of the crypto ecosystem.

DeFi refers to a variety of financial applications that run on decentralized platforms, such as smart contracts or blockchains. DeFi allows users to access services such as lending, borrowing, trading, investing, and insurance without intermediaries or centralized authorities. DeFi has grown exponentially in the past year, reaching over $100 billion in total value locked (TVL) at its peak in May.

NFTs are unique digital tokens that represent ownership of scarce digital assets, such as art, music, games or collectibles. NFTs have surged in popularity this year, generating billions of dollars in sales and attracting the attention of celebrities, artists, and brands.

Layer 2 solutions are technologies that aim to improve the scalability and performance of blockchain networks by moving some transactions or calculations off-chain. Layer 2 solutions can reduce congestion, fees, and latency on the main chain while preserving its security and decentralization. Layer 2 solutions are especially relevant for Ethereum, which faces bottlenecks due to its high demand and limited capacity.

Interoperability protocols are technologies that allow communication and interaction between different blockchain networks or systems. Interoperability protocols can improve the compatibility, efficiency and diversity of the crypto ecosystem by allowing users to transfer value and information across various platforms and applications.

CBDCs are digital currencies issued and backed by central banks. CBDCs are designed to complement or replace existing forms of money, such as cash or bank deposits. CBDCs can offer advantages such as faster, cheaper and more secure transactions, as well as greater financial inclusion and monetary policy effectiveness. Many central banks around the world, such as China, Sweden, and the Bahamas, are exploring or developing CBDCs.

Our portfolio manager is optimistic about the technological innovation taking place in the cryptocurrency industry. He believes that these innovations will create new opportunities and value for both investors and companies in the crypto space. He also believes that these innovations will drive the adoption and growth of the crypto industry in the long term as they address some of the key challenges and limitations of the current system.

The cryptocurrency market is going through a challenging period as it faces several obstacles coming from regulation, environment, and market sentiment. However, the crypto industry is also undergoing rapid innovation and development, as it strives to improve its functionality, scalability, usability, and diversity. Our portfolio manager believes that these innovations will ultimately overcome the challenges and lead to a brighter future for the crypto industry. He also believes that investors who have a long-term perspective and diversified exposure to the digital asset ecosystem will be well positioned to benefit from this future.

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