
Want to start investing? Top 10 most searched-for questions on Google explained

The data indicated that the question is Googled 150,400 times on average each month worldwide.

Published: Tue Feb 14 2023, 10:25

Last update: Tue Feb 14 2023, 14:04

The most searched investment question on the internet is "How do I invest in cryptocurrency?" according to new research.

The study, conducted by Investing Reviews, analyzed thousands of investment-related search terms to see which one is searched for the most on Google, with the most common phrase asking how to invest in cryptocurrency.

The data indicated that the question is Googled an average of 150,400 times each month worldwide.

The second most common phrase is "How can I start investing?" which receives an estimated average of 137,000 monthly online searches.

Third is “How much should I invest when I start out?” that is searched on Google 64,000 times a month on average.

Simon Jones, a UK-based investment expert at Investing Reviews, provides the definitive answers to the top 10 Googled investing questions:

1. How do I invest in cryptocurrencies? – 150,400 combined monthly global searches

Investing in cryptocurrencies is mainly done online, through major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase or Binance. You'll usually need to deposit some money, with different platforms requiring a different amount, so be sure to do your research if you don't want to deposit a larger sum to begin with. Please take some time to research which cryptocurrencies you would like to invest in, as the cryptocurrency market can often be volatile and you should be careful before investing.

2. How can I start investing? – 137,000 combined monthly global searches

How you start investing can completely depend on what you invest in. Similar to investing in cryptocurrency, you can trade and invest in shares on the stock market through apps and websites that can provide a more autonomous experience for trading where you remain fully in control of where you invest your money. However, speaking with a broker can help if you prefer to have a professional handle any of your investments, this can make investing much easier if you are considering investing a large amount of money.

3. How much should I invest when I start? – 64,000 combined monthly global searches

There is no specific amount of money that will automatically "work" when it comes to seeing a return on your investment when you start out. The important thing is to trust your gut feeling and do your research. If you are reluctant to invest, start with a smaller amount of money so that you are not at risk.

4. What should I invest in right now? – 56,600 combined monthly global searches

There is no one "right" thing to invest in at any given time, as there are many factors that can contribute to the rise or fall in value of a stock or item. However, there are steps you can take to see what might be worth investing in. Following the news, particularly business news, can give you an indication of which stocks to invest in.

5. What is passive investing? – 49,500 combined monthly global searches

Passive investing is a strategy in which the goal is to maximize your profits and minimize your buying and selling. This typically works as a "buy and hold" strategy and is a form of long-term investing. The benefit of this is the simplicity that there are not a lot of active buying and selling; however, this can have its drawbacks because it is so limited that quick returns are not always guaranteed.

6. How is the return on investment calculated? – 39,600 combined monthly global searches

Return on investment (ROI) is relatively simple: subtract the cost of the initial investment from its final value before dividing this number by the cost of the investment. Calculating ROI is beneficial as you can spot trends and see what is working and why, making it easy to strategize for all your future investments.

7. Is cryptocurrency a good investment? – 31,100 combined monthly global searches

The cryptocurrency market is notoriously volatile and while this can mean you can get a quick return and make money fast; you can risk losing it just as quickly. Therefore, investing in cryptocurrency can take a lot of time and effort and if this is not something you can commit to, it might be worth considering investing in something else. There are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin that are generally considered more "stable" than others like Dogecoin, however caution should still be exercised.

8. How can I trade safely? – 27,800 combined monthly global searches

If you have any reservations when making any type of investment, the best recommendation is to speak with a professional. There are also steps you can take on your own that can protect you and your money:

Read reviews: If you are not sure which site or platform to use to trade and invest your money, research a site and read user reviews. If there are a lot of negative reviews then this is a major red flag. Even if it is something as simple as glitches that may not be a massive problem on a social media app occasionally, but when it comes to exchanging your money quickly and safely, even a few negative experiences from other users can be an indicator. that it might not be so. be the right place to spend your money.

Don't invest too much at once: It can be tempting to keep investing money if the stock market or cryptocurrency market seems to be offering you good returns, but always make sure you have reserves. A single trade in a given company can affect your entire trading portfolio, making investing unpredictable at times, so be wary of investing all your money at one time.

Study the market: Do your research and stay up to date on the market your investment is in, be it the cryptocurrency market or the real estate market. This can help you forecast your returns and know when to stop investing more money where you are likely to lose it.

9. What is the safest investment that can be made? – 19,200 combined monthly global searches

Any investment presents risk and reward without a guarantee, so it can be difficult to determine what is a "safe" investment. That being said, there are investments that generally have a more reliable track record when it comes to growing your money; however, these are usually long-term investments that can require a lot of time and research.

10. What are investment bonds? – 9400 combined monthly global searches

An investment bond is a medium and long-term investment strategy. It involves putting your money into a single premium life insurance policy with the benefit that the investments are held in a tax efficient manner. While you may not even see a return on your initial deposit as the value of the bonus can fluctuate, it is generally considered a relatively low risk strategy.


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