
‘We know it’s a huge challenge’

Quartz's introduction video was removed from YouTube due to a torrent of "non-fans."

the NFT They give a lot to talk about in the field of video games. Especially after a show Ubisoft Quartz, an exchange platform for these digital assets. The idea did not appeal to the gaming community, as the criticisms referred to the maneuvers and A torrent of "no fans" In the video they made hide it. At the time, it was unknown if Ubisoft would stop supporting the NFT idea, but now it is back in the fray with clarifying statements. your intentions about this practice.

We understand where feelings about this technology are coming from and we have to take that into account.Didier genevoisUbisoft unveiled these ideas through an interview with the broker. Decode, which favors the current use of NFT. Here, Ubisoft Blockchain Technical Director Didier Genevois explained it All opinions will be taken into account About Ubisoft Quartz: "We've had a lot of feedback since the announcement and we've heard both the mood and the concerns," explains Genevois. “We understand where the feeling for this technology comes from and we need Take it into consideration Every step of the way. "

From Genevois's point of view, they know the impact of this announcement on society and Don't pretend to give up: “This experiment aims to understand how our players can welcome and embrace the decentralization value proposition. We know Big challenge It will take time, but we want to be true to our three principles. Some of the principles, according to the professional, are 'responsible use of technology', 'build a safe environment' for players to discover this world and 'focus on offers of great value for users that benefit their gaming experience'.

Therefore, it is clear that Ubisoft Don't pretend to give up In his fight behind the back of the NFTs, something in him Yes, the creators of STALKER 2 have given up After the criticism he received for his proposal. After all, there are companies that find a great world to explore within NFTs, but This is not the case with Xboxwho considers it that way More focused on exploitation than entertainment.

More about: Ubisoft s NFT.

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