
Woman worries son may be bullied after she accidentally names him after animal

TO mother he worries that she child can be bullied at school after her family The members pointed out the possible consequences of their nickname.

The three-year-old baby has been known by his nickname since he was born, and the child does not even respond to his legal name.

However, the mother is now concerned that she may face a torrent of teasing in the future when she attends. school and does not "want to make your life unnecessarily more difficult."

The Mirror reportsHowever, that the woman loves the name and that her son has only had a few minor issues regarding it so far, so what exactly is the problem?

Leading to social networking site Reddit for advice, said: "I have a child named after an animal. It was not intentional, but when I went pregnant with him, I slipped and called him by this nickname when trying to say his real name, and everyone loved it and he just stayed.

The mother chose her son's nickname before he was born (file image)

"For privacy, I won't share, but I guess he's like Liam / Lamb. So our son has only known his name as 'Lamb', and he wouldn't know you're talking about them if you said 'Liam'.

"He has special needs, which was not anticipated, which makes change very difficult."

Being forced to stay home during the coronavirus pandemic, your child has not been socializing much with children his age.

But he recently made a friend on Facetime and the boy "started teasing him."

"Nobody's feelings were hurt, and we all laughed, but now I realize that I can be a huge jerk for giving my son this name and not fixing it at this point," admitted the mother.

“We met someone once and when they asked our children's names, they got angry when we said this and said that we were cruel and abusive to give a child a 'strange' name.

"I met some kids with weird names growing up, and for the most part people thought it was cool, not weird, but those were my teenage years, and I'm almost forty, so what do I know?

"Most people say the name is cute. They might be pleasing us. Some people assume that it is your name. Some say it reminds them of a loved movie character, which I see.

"The school will be showing up soon and we have to find out what the hell we are doing about it."

After asking for advice on what to do in Reddit, people assured the mother that she had not made a mistake.

One wrote: "Really, there is no question that it is much worse that you could have put it. And the children will annoy each other about everything. They harassed me for living in a different country for a short period of time."

Another added, "So you really need to teach this kid his legal name. What are you going to do when everyone in the school, including the teachers, sees his name on the list as 'Liam' and starts calling him that?

"You may be able to correct your head teacher, but not all counselors, principals, waiters, music teachers, etc."

A third wrote: "There are many people named Bear, Fox, Wren, Dove, Birdie, Bunny, Cat, Tiger, Jay, etc. Their lives are not ruined.

"What is weird about one person is what is normal about another. Ignore nasty people who think this is abuse."

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