Yesterday Celtic Got Their Trophy Amidst A Torrent Of Rumours And Negativity.

Yesterday was the day of the trophy and I think we all celebrated properly and enjoyed everything.

Nothing was going to spoil it for us, because we deserve it and we won it every minute of what was a long and arduous campaign.

This club has been through wars this season, and it was only fitting that we all take a day and let our hair down in honor of the players and the manager, and in recognition of all their hard work.

We were never going to get our due credit, I'll write later about how it's turning around in some quarters, but we probably weren't expecting the outpouring of negativity that was unleashed on us in the days leading up to the game... and is still brewing now.

The rumor mill raged all week, with nothing really happening.

Reports that the Spurs might be considering the coach were wildly exaggerated, turning our lead-up to a constant cycle of stories on a topic unrelated to the game or the celebrations to come.

And that, of course, was the whole damn point of them.

It was all a venomous effort to detract from what was a fantastic achievement and cast a dark shadow over what we all expected to be a fantastic day, and it was despite the nonsense surrounding it.

Ange handled it all well. As well as could be expected from a guy being bullied into making some kind of definitive statement about his future... which hackers know full well he can't do.

There may or may not be an announcement after the cup final; We'll have to wait and see. That ad is very likely to commit him to Celtic... but the media don't want us to think about anything positive, only the worst case scenario.

Still, yesterday they couldn't take anything from us; that was the performance we were looking for and the after party filled the streets of the city center.

It was just what we'd been waiting for, and with the treble still on, the best is yet to come.

Despite their best efforts, we did in fact turn Glasgow green and white.

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