
You could have turned $100 into $80,100 with this ‘cryptocurrency savings’; know how to invest – Play Crazy Game

Imagine if there was a savings digital of CRYPTOCURRENCY that I could give you up 80,000% by year. In this saving, I would put BRL 100 at the beginning of 2022. And if everything goes well, at the end of the year I would redeem R $ 80,100 in cryptocurrencies in your account. Would you invest?

Because this saving exists, and is called "stake”. Have you ever heard of him? Gambling is a little-explored way to make money in the cryptocurrency market, but one that has recently gained notoriety among investors.

Why? Well, the gain on valuations remains the same - you continue to make a profit when the price of your cryptocurrency rises. However, instead of leaving your coins in the brokerage house, you can put them to work for yourself, in a kind of "savings", with the possibility of receiving income every day in your account.

It even seems like a joke, but by betting, you have a real chance of receiving daily income in cryptocurrencies every day on your account.

And I want to tell you how:

How to let your cryptocurrencies yield up to 80,000% annually in 'digital savings'

If you think that what I am telling you as a joke, you should know that there are people who are already making money with this practice:

"I earned more than my salary in a few days" Vinícius Bazan

"I put 100%, everything in betting" Paulo Camargo

“500 reais… One thousand reais… 2 thousand reais PER DAY! See you later, it depends on how many coins you have ”Fernando Vieira

Including the Department of Investigation and Cryptoactive Intelligence and Blockchain in empiricus, the largest independent research house in Brazil, has already started looking for the best opportunities in this market to recommend to its crypto subscribers.

Some cryptocurrency investors are already benefiting from the potential of these digital savings. And you too can be one of them.

I like it? doing the stake in your cryptocurrencies (access Empiricus free consultations here).

Do you know what this is?

The bet is when you put your cryptocurrency to validate the protocol's own operations and, in return, you can receive a reward. What would this reward be? You earn more cryptocurrencies than you initially had.

Today, it is the main way to achieve Passive income through cryptocurrencies. And for this reason, the demand is so high that the media do not stop writing about it:

Source: Money Times.
Titled article "What is gambling and how to obtain passive income with cryptocurrencies"
Source: The Capital Advisor.

But if the money doesn't fall from the sky, where do the betting returns come from?

Before we get into digital betting savings, there are a few things you need to know. The first is where the money you will receive comes from.

You should know that the Bitcoin It is the largest cryptocurrency in the world. And for it to exist, it is necessary to mine it, which is the process of "making" and validating the cryptocurrency.

The currencies that must be validated by mining, such as Bitcoin, are characterized as "coins".Work test”, Or Proof of work, in Portuguese. Since there is no free lunch even in the cryptocurrency market, whoever manages to extract Bitcoin receives coins as a reward.

  • Currently, a miner who manages to validate a transaction involving bitcoins receives a reward of 6.25 bitcoins, with 1 bitcoin worth around US $ 47,000 based on the December 13 price.

But there are some downsides. Carrying out mining is not an easy task: for this, high computational power is necessary, supercomputers. This makes the practice have a high energy consumption, which is even the target of criticism for environmental impacts.

For these and others, the "Proof of stake" o Proof of Stake emerged in response to the increasing demand for energy resulting from Proof of Work protocols.

Currently, several blockchains use Proof of Stake to validate block transactions on their network, such as Polkadot (DOT) Y Solana (SOL).

The advantage is that anyone who owns a number of cryptocurrencies validated by Proof of Stake can take the bet. I like it?

Just send that amount of cryptocurrency to a specific address. As a result, the cryptocurrencies will be blocked in that direction, which will serve as proof of user participation. In this case, the more cryptocurrencies you have, the greater your chances of being chosen to validate network transactions and therefore earn cryptocurrencies in return.

It is important to say that the income you receive for betting is in coins and according to the amount of coins you have.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future performanceAnd investing in cryptocurrencies presents risks. Therefore, it is not recommended to invest in securities that could harm your financial health.

However, if you have Proof-of-Stake coins and they are still it stops In the brokerage house, betting them can be a great alternative to increase your income generation.

Just to give you an idea, some coins offer a great reward. This is just one of the results obtained in just one day by a crypto investor who decided to open the game with me:

This investor earned more than R $ 5000 in one day betting on AXS crypto:

Earnings with AXS participation of more than 5,000 reais
* Estimated calculation based on the price of R $ 850.00 per AXS on 11/04/2021.

Do you want another example?

Fernando Viera, one of the investors who firmly believes in betting, invested R $ 13,500 in the crypto asset in July. AXS, from the game Axie Infinity, and managed to buy 151.5 coins, at an average price of R $ 89.

On October 7, Fernando put 100% of his coins into play. And his first performance has already dropped the next day, October 8.

See your personal control, with the daily income you obtained for the month:

Daily earnings worksheet with AXS
Control of Fernando, from 10/07/2021 to 10/31/2021.

The dynamics is like this: every 24 hours, Fernando can reinvest the prize received. Empiricus specialists call this moment “Stake Time”, but there is no problem if the right moment is missed: Fernando himself has already lost a few times and has reinvested his coins a little later or the next day.

And considering the AXS price at the time of Fernando's staking, he has been receiving an average of R $ 414 per day. Do you see the potential of this? In 24 days he earned more than 9,000 reais ... What could you buy with that amount? A new computer? Top-notch cell phone? Even a trip to end 2021 in style ...

Currently, the return potential of participation in AXS is 114% per year. But depending on the crypto asset, this value can decrease or increase.

After all, it is important highlight that this value it varies according to the number of people who bet on the cryptocurrency. The more people bet, the lower the return. So whoever enters this game earlier can receive more attractive returns.

I'll give you a recent example. Cryptocurrency experts at Empiricus have found a crypto asset recently launched on the market and off the radar of investors. Since this coin was launched, in September this year, it has already risen + 723.3%.

And whoever bought this coin and put it in the Staking, saw that his money appreciated more than 700% ... And today, he is winning. more than 80,000% per year in addition to this value.

Asset valuation chart recommended in the Empiricus Staking tutorial
Asset valuation chart recommended in the Empiricus Staking tutorial - Accessed 12/14/2021

and that's where we cannot forget another point: The higher the earning potential, the higher the risk involved. You must be aware of this.

That is why Empiricus does not go around revealing which asset can yield up to 80,000% per year. It only does this for subscribers who have the technical knowledge to carry out this operation, those who have taken the Empiricus stakeout training course (find here).

But I have two good news for you:

  1. It is not necessary to invest a lot of money in these bets. The beauty of the cryptocurrency market is that it is subject to exponential returns. Therefore, only put in what you are willing to risk.
  1. The cryptocurrency department of Empiricus, Brazil's largest independent financial analysis firm, has a open list for one change of doubt about stake.

On December 20, at 7:00 p.m., one of the house experts will explain in detail about this technique of generating extra income with cryptocurrencies. The event will be free and online and you only need to register through this link to participate:

The cryptocurrency department of Empiricus, which manages the two in-house cryptocurrency series "Exponential Coins" and "Crypto Legacy", has existed since 2017 and has already generated a profit of 3,954% and 3,549% with its recommended crypto, respectively.

And now, they are ready to increase the profit potential of investors by opening the betting technique. If you want the opportunity to benefit from this modality and you are willing to achieve returns of up to 80,000% per year, I invite you to learn step by step with specialized professionals.

This could be an opportunity for you to get your feet wet with these digital savings in a reliable and cost-effective way. You may be leaving money on the table.

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