ZkDay conference and Pitch competition comes to Istanbul on Nov. 13

Zero-knowledge proof (ZK proof) scalability solutions have gained prominence in the crypto ecosystem in recent years, giving rise to several ZK-focused conferences and events. A major ZK conference dedicated to the growing community will take place on November 13 in Istanbul, Turkey. ZkDay is hosted on zero-knowledge layer 1 platform, Manta Network, Polychain Capital, zero; Foundation and Cointelegraph.

ZkDay is dedicated to facilitating world-class community gatherings, fostering learning and networking, and driving the progress and application of ZK technology across the blockchain space. ZkDay Istanbul comes just three months after the success of ZkDay Paris in July, which hosted 3,000 attendees, and several participants in its "Pitch" competition secured funding rounds from top-tier investors.

Register to attend zkDay Istanbul on November 13 for free.

The conference will showcase more than 10 selected early-stage ZK projects, with venture capital and ZK panels as well. There will be several sponsor booths for attendees to interact with, as well as food and beverages provided throughout the meeting, allowing for plenty of networking between participants.

In addition to Devconnect, zkDay Istanbul is also organizing a zkDay Pitch competition sponsored by ETHGlobal, which will take place at the beginning of the event for two to three hours. The competition will allow multi-stage ZK-focused projects to be showcased to the community.

Eligibility criteria for projects to participate in the Pitch competition include a strong idea and projects seeking funding or that have completed their seed round. Each participating project will have five minutes to present, followed by two minutes of questions and answers.

The winner of the zkDay Pitch contest will receive a customized advertising program from Cointelegraph, with an estimated budget of between $20,000 and $30,000. The winner also has a chance to win a share of the sponsor-supported prize pool to be announced on October 30.

Source: ZkDay Istanbul

The Pitch competition will be followed by keynote speeches and industry panels from some distinguished guests, with a lineup of more than 20 speakers. The community conference will be a hotspot for networking opportunities with a wide range of industry representatives, allowing participants to connect with important players.

Follow zkDay Istanbul official website and account for the latest updates and announcements.

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